春节期间,学习了一下UGUI(Unity GUI)。
UGUI是Unity 4.6新增的功能,极大了弥补Unity GUI鸡肋: OnGUI.
学习UGUI最好的途径是系统的推理推理官方的UGUI的demo,如Drag And Drop、Menu 3D、Draggable Panel等,这些非常有嚼头,也可以学到很多东西。
其他的事件,通过添加Event Trigger添加:
或者通过写脚本,实现17个 UGUI-EventSystem 接口来实现。
- IPointerEnterHandler - OnPointerEnter - Called when a pointer enters the object
- IPointerExitHandler - OnPointerExit - Called when a pointer exits the object
- IPointerDownHandler - OnPointerDown - Called when a pointer is pressed on the object
- IPointerUpHandler - OnPointerUp - Called when a pointer is released (called on the original the pressed object)
- IPointerClickHandler - OnPointerClick - Called when a pointer is pressed and released on the same object
- IInitializePotentialDragHandler - OnInitializePotentialDrag - Called when a drag target is found, can be used to initialise values
- IBeginDragHandler - OnBeginDrag - Called on the drag object when dragging is about to begin
- IDragHandler - OnDrag - Called on the drag object when a drag is happening
- IEndDragHandler - OnEndDrag - Called on the drag object when a drag finishes
- IDropHandler - OnDrop - Called on the object where a drag finishes
- IScrollHandler - OnScroll - Called when a mouse wheel scrolls
- IUpdateSelectedHandler - OnUpdateSelected - Called on the selected object each tick
- ISelectHandler - OnSelect - Called when the object becomes the selected object
- IDeselectHandler - OnDeselect - Called on the selected object becomes deselected
- IMoveHandler - OnMove - Called when a move event occurs (left, right, up, down, ect)
- ISubmitHandler - OnSubmit - Called when the submit button is pressed
- ICancelHandler - OnCancel - Called when the cancel button is pressed
已知问题,在4.6.0 Win 7 64位系统下,ISubmitHandler我添加到InputField上,点击回车不会触发。
UGUI的UI动画,可以由Unity 的新、老动画配合完成。
新动画 | 老动画 |
*.controller | *.anim |
Animator状态机 | Animation录制动画 |
设置条件变量 | 成对出现 |
Animator.SetBool() | Animation.Play() |
同GameObject | 同GameObject |
1 Screen Space OverLay 默认模式--静态的
2 Screen Space Camera NGUI默认效果,很酷UI,如ShowDialog等。
3 World Space -- 3D对象上用,ToolTip、血条、HUD。
UGUI提供了4个Layout的组件,同时,结合Rect Transform的Anchors功能,方便设计复杂的UI嵌套。
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