本机的运行环境: Win8 64bit, Visual Studio 2010 + Sp1, Chrome v27+
面板 | 作用 | 常用功能列表 | 备注 |
Elements | InspectingEditing styles & DOM | DOM Elements TreeCSS Styles Box Model Event Listeners | HTML、CSS3使用最频繁,如修改页面内容,css修改调试颜色、对齐等。对于调试页面布局,非常非常方便。 注意:修改完毕后,源代码不改变,需要手动改源码文件内容的。 |
Resources | Resources list Panel | FramesWeb SQL[HTML5] IndexedDB Local Storage[HTML5] Session Storage Cookies Application Cache | 查看当前页面的资源数据,尤其查看web SQL和Local Storage非常直观 |
Network | Evaluating network performance | Timeline viewHTTP headers HTTP response | 网络性能优化监控工具:各元素大小、请求时间、响应时间;HTTP head目前使用较少 |
Sources | Debugging JavaScript | Debugging With BreakpointsLive Editing Handling Exceptions | JavaScript调试必备,同HTML、CSS一样,可以实现live edit(但是源文件内容不修改) |
TimeLine | Performance profiling with the Timeline(Rendering) | Analyzing Timeline recordingsMaking a recording | 用的少 |
Profiles | JavaScript & CSS Performance | CPU profilerHeap profiler(内存泄漏) JavaScript profile | CPU、内存性能优化监控工具 |
Console | 输出、输入作用 | Output: logwarningerrorassert, group infoInput: script function invoke, profiles, timestamp, debug command | 特有的快捷键ESC |
面板 | 作用 | 快捷键 |
All Panels | Go to the panel to the left/right | <Ctrl>+[/<Ctrl>+] |
All Panels | Go back/forward in panel history | <Ctrl>+<Alt>+[/<Ctrl>+<Alt>+] |
All Panels | Toggle console | <Esc>: |
All Panels | Search | <Ctrl>+F |
All Panels | Go to line | <Ctrl>+G |
All Panels | Show keyboard shortcuts | F1 (调试面板下) |
Console | Clear console | <Ctrl>+L |
Console | Accept suggestion | <Right> |
Console | Execute command | <Enter> |
Elements Panel | Edit attribute | <Enter> |
Elements Panel | Hide element | H |
Elements Panel | Toggle edit as HTML | F2 |
Sources Panel | Pause/Continue | F8 |
Sources Panel | Step over | F10 |
Sources Panel | Step into | F11 |
Sources Panel | Step out | <Shift>+F11 |
Sources Panel | Go to member | <Ctrl>+<Shift>+O |
Sources Panel | Toggle breakpoint | <Ctrl>+B |
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